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Upcoming Events

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Central Cinema, Knoxville, TN

Priest vs. Priestess, Part I

September 16, 2024
6:00PM (Doors @ 5:30PM)

IN A WORLD where conversation has become a lost art…


An Episcopal Priest (Billy Daniel) and a self-appointed Priestess (Monika Miller) invite YOU (brilliantly portrayed by you) to join our community conversation series. Each month, we’ll tackle a new theme, diving into debates where all opinions are welcome. This is your chance to witness and participate in a dialogue that bridges beliefs, sparks insights, and celebrates the beauty of diverse perspectives.


This September, our topic will be: FEAR. What drives us to face it, and what holds us back? From personal phobias to collective anxieties, we’ll explore how fear shapes our lives.

Priest vs. Priestess, Part II

October 21, 2024
6:00PM (Doors @ 5:30PM)

IN A WORLD where conversation has become a lost art…


An Episcopal Priest (Billy Daniel) and a self-appointed Priestess (Monika Miller) invite YOU (brilliantly portrayed by you) to join our community conversation series. Each month, we’ll tackle a new theme, diving into debates where all opinions are welcome. This is your chance to witness and participate in a dialogue that bridges beliefs, sparks insights, and celebrates the beauty of diverse perspectives.


This October, our topic will be: POLITICS. Why is politics taboo in so many families and work places? What is it about politics that riles up the human spirit? Is there any hope for American politics? These and much more will be on the table for conversation as we approach national elections in America.

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Central Cinema, Knoxville, TN

priest vs priestess movie poster 01_web_edited.jpg

Central Cinema, Knoxville, TN

Priest vs. Priestess, Part III

November 18, 2024
6:00PM (Doors @ 5:30PM)

IN A WORLD where conversation has become a lost art…


An Episcopal Priest (Billy Daniel) and a self-appointed Priestess (Monika Miller) invite YOU (brilliantly portrayed by you) to join our community conversation series. Each month, we’ll tackle a new theme, diving into debates where all opinions are welcome. This is your chance to witness and participate in a dialogue that bridges beliefs, sparks insights, and celebrates the beauty of diverse perspectives.


This November, our topic will be: GRATITUDE. While everyone and their mother are looking to self-help gurus and experts of all kinds to find meaning and healing in their lives, come to find out, there's actually a simple, time-tested remedy that's free and readily accessible to any who desire it. Come explore how simple noticing met with gratitude can completely change your life.

PechaKucha Night Knoxville

Vol. 53

November 21, 2024
7:20PM (Doors @ 6:30PM)

Join me and others at the next PechaKucha Night in Knoxville, Vol. 53, where I'll be presenting on the matter of Divine Judgment, and how we've gotten it all wrong with God, giving way to a society built on scrutiny, guilt, and shame that deadens our hearts and shackles our imaginations. Don't worry! I'll offer a hopeful way forward as we direct our attention toward the joy and goodness of Divine Mercy.


The Mill & Mine, Knoxville, TN

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