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Made for Aliveness

| Spiritual Direction

"The goal of spiritual direction is spiritual formation—
the ever-increasing capacity to live a spiritual life from the heart."

~Henri Nouwen

"Embarking on the Spiritual Journey is like getting into a very small boat and setting out on the ocean to search for unknown lands."

~Pema Chödrön

"We drag a long bag behind us," writes Robert Bly, that carries all the parts of ourselves that we've been told and conditioned to believe do not belong out in the open. Spiritual Direction with Made for Aliveness is an opportunity to explore and examine one's life from the place of God's "unconditional positive regard." When we feel disconnected from the divine it can create anxiety in our relationships with others and the world around us. And yet, this feeling of disconnection from the Presence—from God—is often a manifestation of a disconnection with our true Self.


The spiritual life is, in part, about learning to honor all the parts of ourselves we've been trained to keep hidden, realizing that the Spirit wants to touch every part of our lives, so that we move beyond self-consciousness toward self-awareness into becoming fully alive.


"Those who have really listened to God's voice," writes Henri Nouwen, "have often found themselves being called away from familiar and relatively comfortable places to places they would rather not go." For this reason, it is vital to our spiritual lives and personal transformation to have a guide who walks with us. A spouse or friend can walk with us in many ways. A therapist can help us engage our past. A spiritual director guides us beyond fear, coping, or comfort to newly perceive how God may be showing up in our lives, and works with us to craft life-habits that deepen our attention to the movement of the Spirit.


Schedule a FREE Discovery Call today, and give yourself the gift of spiritual renewal and discernment.

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